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Monday, October 16, 2023

" Here we go to another long, cold winter," George Mackenzie sighed as he took up a menu at Mabel's Grill the other day. "The winters seem to get longer every year!"

Monday, October 2, 2023

Though only 32, chef Zach Keeshig is already making waves in the culinary world while re-discovering and re-inventing Indigenous food with his high-end pop-up restaurant in Owen Sound, Naagan.
Naagan is pronounced...

Monday, October 2, 2023

It sits, alone on the laneway, deteriorating a little every year. Tires are flat. Seat is missing the cushion. Grease has coagulated into a dirty mass and rust is creeping along every metal joint...

Monday, October 2, 2023

In one of the other farm publications I recently saw that the Ross Butler collection is being discontinued and disbursed. Oh how it made me feel my age.
I remember, decades ago, going down to interview the artist's son David for The Rural Voice...

Monday, October 2, 2023

Grab a tourist guide for Newfoundland and there will be many "must see" things that make headlines -- Gros Morne National Park, whales, puffins, Vikings, kitchen parties -- but we discovered many things not listed in the guides that made...

Monday, October 2, 2023

The words spoken before meals -- "grace" in the Christian tradition -- is a universal concept, cutting across all cultures and religions, a tradition that unites rather than divides.
The Muslim tradition calls ...

Monday, October 2, 2023

"Good grief!" Dave Winston grumbled the other morning as he looked at the menu at Mabel's Grill. "I can't believe the price she's charging for bacon and eggs!"
"I'm sure you're not complaining when you get your cheque from your last shipment of pigs...

Monday, October 2, 2023

A farmer friend challenged me about what he considered alarming statements related to climate change. He sighed and said "a temperature bump of 1.5 °C probably won't bother me."
There is a difference between ...

Monday, October 2, 2023

Way back when stories for The Citizen newspaper and Rural Voice were cut out with exacto knives, waxed, and laid out on the page, there was the team of Dianne Josling and Joan Caldwell typing out all the material on these giant typeset machines...

Monday, October 2, 2023

One of the stories you are most apt to see on television any day of the week is about the high cost of groceries. If people think it's bad now, wait a few years as our soaring population causes us to pave over thousands of acres of farmland...

Monday, October 2, 2023

It is good, every once in a while, to take a road trip if you are able. It gives a very real reminder of just how vast Canada is. You can easily drive for over 20 hours and never leave Ontario! Not only are the distances huge, but there ...

Monday, October 2, 2023

In the time of 100-acre farms in Ontario, families usually kept a dog or two. Ours was no different.
I remember four. A faint remembrance of Underpants, a blonde lab perhaps, named by my older sisters for the look of its posterior as it shambled.....

Monday, October 2, 2023

So, what's the latest news these days?" Dave Winston asked as he scanned the menu at Mabel's Grill the other morning.
"Who gets to watch the news?" grunted George Mackenzie. "The wife's off on holidays these days and she ties up the TV most days...

Monday, October 2, 2023

Early on in my career as a human rights researcher and activist, I worked with individuals and organizations committed to helping Black South Africans end their country's notorious system of Apartheid. It never ceased to disappoint me how ...

Monday, October 2, 2023

As a June/July drought affected crops in southwestern Ontario, stress climbed over the potential decrease in bushels per acre. This year's crops may not break production records, but we know there will be food to feed our animals, pay our bills and...

Monday, October 2, 2023

As I write this in early July, I've just had several days staying indoors because of smoke from forest fires in northern Ontario and Quebec.
Being retired, I have the choice to avoid the smoke. Many farmers, not to mention contractors...

Monday, October 2, 2023

Humans are interesting creatures. As a farmer, I often think about those who came before me and marvel at what they achieved. If you have ever taken a mature tree down, removed every trace of it, and prepared the ground that once supported...

Monday, October 2, 2023

I've always held a fascination for India and while I've never been there, there have been other opportunities to learn. Over the years I've come into contact with a number of academics and activists from the subcontinent...

Monday, October 2, 2023

"I hear they're talking about another hot day today," said Molly Whiteside as she delivered the menus to the guys at Mabel's Grill the other morning.
"Yeah, I hear we've already had a stretch where ...

Monday, July 17, 2023

"I hear they're talking about another hot day today," said Molly Whiteside as she delivered the menus to the guys at Mabel's Grill the other morning.

Monday, July 17, 2023

Three days earlier, we were 21 strangers in a classroom at the University of Waterloo, attending a course on Peacemaking Circles. This morning we were in a human knot, a cluster of clasped hands, stepping ...

Monday, July 17, 2023

Travelling isn't without guilt, these days. One of the things I remember from COVID-19 was how the canals in Portugal had cleared to the point where locals could see fish in the water, something not possible ...

Monday, July 17, 2023

I had to kind of chuckle at myself this spring when I, an old farm boy who edited this farming publication for many years, went to the local co-op store and bought several bags of composted cattle manure for my garden.

Monday, July 17, 2023

What local creatures eat up to 600 insects per hour, act as pollinators, and have seen their populations decimated by "one of the most destructive wildlife diseases in recorded history"? If you guessed "bats" - you'd be right!

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