Brussels Rec. Committee seeks input with programming survey - April 18, 2019
In light of its pending renovation and expansion project, the Brussels, Morris and Grey Recreation Board is undertaking a programming survey.
Last year, the committee announced that it would attempt to reinvigorate the centre by renovating existing aspects of the centre, while expanding others by way of a project that is expected to cost the community $4.5 million. One of the concerns at the time was programming and usage. If enrolment in hockey is declining, some residents wondered, how would the board ensure the centre’s long-term success with ongoing programming?
The board has now created a survey on Survey Monkey and is looking for residents to speak their mind and tell the board what kind of programming they would like to see at their local community centre.
To access the survey online, visit
The survey is also available on Facebook and if you’re not on Facebook, a physical survey can be provided by contacting board member Dan Fritz at 519-357-7724 or by e-mail at
The hope with the survey, Fritz said, is to build on recent successes at the centre, such as popular roller skating nights and other programming.
For any other concerns with the centre, its renovation and expansion or its programming, Fritz says residents should feel free to contact him or any other member of the board.