Opening the new Brussels Public School, 1961
From the Brussels Post, January 19, 1961
The official opening of the new Brussels Public School will take place this Friday, January 20. Guest speaker for the ceremonies will be the Very Rev. T. G. Stewart, D.D., past chairman of the Kitchener Board of Secondary Education.
An impressive two-part program has been arranged by the School Board under the direction of the Board Chairman the Rev. Lloyd Brown, B.A., B.D.
In the afternoon, at 3 p.m. there will be a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the children of the school. Teachers and pupils will assemble at the old school and will march to the new school accompanied by the Brussels Legion Pipe Band. The ribbon will be cut by Inspector Kinkead, assisted by two of the younger pupils. A brief program will be carried out in the auditorium at which the guest speaker will address the children. Parents and friends will be welcome and after the children are dismissed to their classrooms following the program, they will be taken on a tour of the building.
The official opening, which the general public are invited to attend, will be held at 8 p.m. An interesting program has been arranged together with an address by the guest speaker.
Among guests attending will be T.R. Brown, who will bring greetings from Haldiman Inspectorate; J.H. Kinkead, North Huron Inspector; architect, B.P. Templin; L. E. Cardiff, M.P.; J.W. Hanna, M.P.P.; local clergy; school area board and council members from adjoining townships of Grey and Morris; Brussels Council; and the representatives of the two townships and the village of Brussels on the W.D.H.S. board.
To mark this auspicious occasion, the board chairman, Rev. L. Brown and Mrs. Brown will be hosts at a dinner at 3:30 p.m. for the school board members and their wives, the teaching staff and visiting dignitaries.
The names of Jack McWhirter, who is a member of the School Board, was inadvertently omitted in the names of school board members appearing in a story on one of the special “School Opening” pages in this issue.