Brussels Curling Club bonspiel welcomes 20 teams
The Brussels Curling Club hosted its mixed bonspiel on the weekend.
The club was very pleased to fill the bonspiel with 20 teams after a lot of hard work by spiel leader Steve Knight. There were two draws at 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. and things went fairly smoothly all day.
The main meal of roast beef was served following the first game, snacks after the second game and a light lunch of soup and sandwiches after the last games for each draw.
In the first draw, winners were: first, Les Cudmore; second, Bruce Hahn; third, George Zwep; fourth, Rick McDonald; fifth, Brian McGavin; sixth, Hayden Flood; seventh, Judy DeJong; eighth, Steve Bowers; ninth, Mark Bancroft and 10th, Haylee McCann.
In the second draw, winners were: first, Steve Steiss; second, Dale Cressman; third, Brad Smith; fourth, Brad Knight and fifth, Carman Bernard. Sixth place was impossible to determine because three teams had identical records, so after cutting cards, team Sara Alexander was sixth; seventh, Stacey Culbert; eighth, Doug Green; ninth, Steve Knight and 10th, Don Osborn.
The Brussels Curling Club appreciates all the teams who participated from our own club and from Palmerston, Goderich, Mitchell, Milverton, Seaforth, Listowel and Vanastra.
The bonspiel is regularly enjoyed by all and what makes it so special is the fantastic support the club receives from the many local business people.
Everyone gets a prize and we have many generous sponsors who allow that to happen. We can’t thank them enough.
The other reason the bonspiel is extra special is the participation by the club members. They canvas the business for prizes, donate prizes themselves or make cash donations towards costs,
Members contribute to the meal, help put out the rocks and put them away, sweep between games and clean the sheets and pebble the ice.
Members also serve coffee and sweets upon arrival for teams, serve a roast beef dinner, clear dishes, make sandwiches, soup, clean up again, score keep, watch the raffle table, bartend, and curl and whatever else is needed.
Almost every member of the Brussels Curling Club is involved in some way and that makes it run smoothly with so many hands making the load lighter for all.
Steve Knight is the main co-ordinator and we thank him for all his hard work.